Analysis English Language

Some aspects of the phonology of Ajitorujan

And Rosta (1967–) studied Linguistics at UCL (BA 1989, PhD 1997) and since 1996 has been working at the University of Central Lancashire, as a shop steward and a teacher of English Language & Linguistics, his research being in both the syntactic and, latterly, also the phonological halves of contemporary English. He began inventing a language in 1977 (starting with an alphabet) and was in 1991 one of the founders of the Conlang list and has been an active member of it ever since. In 1995–96, working at Roehampton University, he developed what would probably have been the first university module in Invented Languages, which was due to be taught in 1996–97, but due to a change of job this, as with so many others of his endeavours, came to naught. He was cooriginator of the term ‘engelang’, and it is to that sort of conlanging, particularly loglanging, that, despite some occasional desultory dabbling in artlanging, he has found himself continually drawn. His conlang Livagian is notorious for always remaining disappointingly and inutilely dismantled on the workshop floor and was in 2015 justly abandoned in favour of a less ambitious loglang that he dares to hope might erelong manage to see the light of publication.


Published here as a historical curio is a facsimile of a first-year undergraduate assignment written in early 1987 on the phonology of a friend’s invented language. An explanatory preface has been added to accompany its publication.

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