Conlang Descriptions English Language

Klingon Alphasyllabary

Carl Buck is the creator of Kala, a personal constructed language. He works in the national security field and has worked in the US government most of his life. He enjoys cooking, spending time with his children, camping, and generally relaxing next to his fire pit in his yard. He has been a conlanger since long before he knew there was even a name for it. He created his first cypherlang around age 9 and has been creating and learning various types of languages from that time on. He lives in rural Pennsylvania.

The original Klingon script was a simple cipher created for aesthetic effect. In this paper, Carl Buck has taken inspiration from the original script to create a functional Klingon alphasyllabary that works to encode the Klingon language itself, as opposed to being a simple substitution cipher.

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